Portuguese premiere

Ever Since, I Have Been Flying
Aylin Gökmen
Um homem de 60 anos, que cresceu numa tribo nómada nas montanhas do sudeste da Turquia, recorda momentos da sua juventude que marcaram a sua vida. Recorda-nos a sua infância idílica com a mãe, o seu primeiro amor encontrado num campo de algodão e perdido na floresta, e os maus tratos sofridos às mãos da polícia, num local frio e sombrio.
A 60-year-old man, who grew up in a nomadic tribe in the mountains of southeast Turkey, recalls moments from his youth that have shaped his life. He takes us back to his idyllic childhood with his mother, his first love found in a cotton field and lost in the woods, and the mistreatment suffered at the hands of the police, in a cold and dark place.

Aylin Gökmen
Aylin Gökmen, cineasta da Turquia e da Suíça, viu as suas curtas-metragens "Spirits and Rocks: An Azorean Myth" e "Ever Since, I Have Been Flying" foram apresentadas em festivais como Toronto, Locarno e Sundance. Atualmente, estão a tirar um doutoramento em Estudos de Cinema e Imagem em Movimento na Universidade de Concordia (Montreal), enquanto desenvolvem a sua primeira longa-metragem.
Aylin Gökmen, a filmmaker from Turkey and Switzerland, has had their short films “Spirits and Rocks: An Azorean Myth” and “Ever Since, I Have Been Flying” featured at festivals such as Toronto, Locarno, and Sundance. They are currently pursuing a PhD in Film and Moving Image Studies at Concordia University (Montreal), while developing their first feature film.